As a software developer I’ve been using SourceForge for around six years now (I believe I joined in 2009). I’m using it to help develop and distribute dispcalGUI, an open source graphical user interface for Argyll CMS aimed at display calibration and characterization, utilizing these free services:
▪ Version control
▪ Hosting of binary and source code downloads over a distributed network of mirrors
▪ Support forums
▪ Issue tracker
▪ Mailing lists
▪ Wiki
The latest development is that the current owners of SourceForge, DHI Group (the former Dice Holdings, which had acquired SourceForge from GeekNet in 2012), is looking to sell off its Slashdot Media assets, which includes SourceForge. It’s too early to really tell what this means for its future, but nevertheless, I’m keeping an eye out for alternatives, and if SourceForge should cease to be an option for one reason or the other, I will be forced to move elsewhere—even considering self-hosting everything I need if I really can’t avoid it.